Friday, December 18, 2009

On the 8th Day of Christmas...

My true love gave to me.....Top 8 Ways NOT to get Caught CHEATING

1. Two words - Password protection. On your phone, on your email, on your vm. If there's a password, guard it with your life. And change it every 2-3 months to switch it up.
2. Close all of your "EXTRA" accounts. No more myspace, no more facebook, no more tweets. If you post it, they will find it.
3. Don't get pregnant/have a baby. If you look like Seal, and the baby comes out light skinned - well, there's going to be a Maury Show to figure it out.
4. Two or more phones - As a rapper once put it, keep one for the fiends and one for the cluckers.
5. No paper trail. All receipts are thrown away. Everything is paid for in cash. Everything. YES - even gasoline.
6. Don't use your real name. If you out of town, borrow the name from the guy at the front desk.
7. Don't cheat with somebody in your same circles, where....(i know this might sound weird but) if someone catches feeling, it isnt awkward to be in the same place in fear that a scene is going to break out.
8. The easiest way....Don't CHEAT.

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