Wednesday, December 19, 2012

On the 6th Day of Xmas....

I preach a sermon to thee...
6 Absolute Turnoffs

This is my turnoffs, not everyone shares the same views as me but I'm pretty sure a lot of people do. Remember, its cool boo boo. Do you.

6. Chicks who smoke weed. I'm not talking about socially. I'm talking about weed heads. You know the chick that can't even afford to eat because she had to get some of that loud. The chick who I dare you to kiss because it smells like a chimney in her face. The chick who when she not high, she tripping like she should be high. The chick who only talks about getting high, like all the time, like for real for real. Anyway, that stopped being cute like since the beginning of time. Please get some help.
5. Tattoos. Tats are fun. Tats are cool. But just like everything else that we do for fun and that are cool, they must be done in moderation. If a chick has more visible tats than me, keep it moving. If you have a face tat, I hope that you rap or a stripper because nobody is going to hire you boo boo. If you just got some crazy dumb wild shit like Suck My Nipple, you probably weird as hell and yes, keep it moving. 
4. Weird Piercings. Ummm, what happened to your ears, belly button, tongue, nipples and maybe a nose ring? What is this in the lip, the chin, in your chest, around the tramp stamp on your back like some warning lights? Is this stuff a fad or have people been watching when keeping it real goes wrong too much? That shit is just foolish. So yeah, you only allowed to have one of the weird places, not a combination #5 plate from the chinaman.
3. Too many baby daddies. Yes there is a 2 x2 rule that I follow. Unless you have 2 kids by the same guy or 2 kids that are drastically different in age, its not going down. If you fall outside the 2x2 rule, chances are you a hoe.

2. High maintenance chicks. I'm going to say this as nice as possible. Bish you aint even that fine to be acting like that. I have seen fine, no really fine like make you crash your car and pay your deductible fine. Chicks that you have literally said, god damn right in front of your wife/sig other and the bish looked at you and said, damn she is cute. If a chick is fine enough for another woman to cosign with you, that bish cold. All of those statements apply to a small population and that most likely is not you. Not enough for you to act that stank and high and mighty. You average, maybe a little above average, that still makes you a 8. Dimes aint walking around, you know why, there is a nigga handcuffing her all the way to the bathroom. If your dude let you go to the mall by yourself, not a dime. If you can order pizza alone at the house, not a dime. If you have to put gas in your car, you guessed it, not a dime.
1. Big girls. I'm not even talking to the true big girls, but the big girls that didn't know that extra value meal at McDonald's put them in a new category. Let's face it we all got to do better but the phrase if you got it flaunt it, wasn't made for everybody. Ok, I was lying, this is to all big girls. Please be cute if you are big, don't be walking around like the Notorious PIG and think you gonna get one. I don't discriminate, but I will let you have it.

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